Middle schoolers get a taste of trade school opportunities at Manatee Technical College | School District of Manatee County

This week, students from six Manatee County middle schools including Lincoln Memorial, King, Nolan and Sugg, explored career options and programs offered by Manatee Technical College. The district’s ACTE (Adult, Career and Technical Education) department worked with MTC to make the special field trip possible. Selected students are involved in career and technical organizations at…

Buchanan Recognizes Local Educators, School Employees | The Bradenton Times

Staff Report BRADENTON — Over the weekend, Congressman Vern Buchanan (R-Longboat Key) hosted the 10th annual Congressional Education Awards ceremony to give special recognition to 26 dedicated professionals in Florida’s 16th Congressional District for exceptional achievement. This year, the program was expanded to include all school employees. From a cafeteria manager to a school counselor…

Manatee County students set their sights on medical careers, earn top spots in State | School District of Manatee County 

The Florida HOSA Future Health Professionals 2024 Student Leadership Conference was held April 4th through 7th in Kissimmee, near Orlando. Students from across the state competed in various events testing their knowledge and skill about health careers of their choosing. First and second place achievements qualify for competition at the international level during a conference…

Welding hobby blossoms into a business | Highlands News-Sun | midfloridanewspapers.com

By DIEGO DE JESUS Staff Writer Apr 21, 2024 William Celentano stands near his struck that he’s owned since he was 16 years old. When he established Will’s Welding, he wanted to only serve Highlands County. Photo by Diego De Jesus/staff William “Will” Celentano started experimenting with welding when he was 14 years old out…

Four Manatee Technical College students qualify for international competition

(Bradenton, FL—April 16, 2024) Four Manatee Technical College students came home with medals from the 2024 FL-HOSA Future Health Professionals State Leadership Conference.  Their first- and second-place wins qualify them to compete at the international level.   The MTC East Campus students who medaled were as follows:  Riley McDonough, FIRST PLACE in Pharmacy ScienceFedhia Brunot and Maria…

MTC instructor named US boating nonprofit’s Educator of the Year | The Observer

By Liz Ramos, April 10, 2024 During his 21 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, Freddie Fowler learned discipline, leadership and how to think outside the box. They are traits he said he uses every day as a Marine Service Technology instructor at Manatee Technical College. On April 4, his Marine Corp training kicked into…

ABYC Foundation names 2024 Educator of the Year | Boating Industry

by Adam Quandt March 28, 2024 The ABYC Foundation has named Freddie Fowler from Manatee Technical College in Bradenton, Florida, as the 2023 Educator of the Year. The annual award honors extraordinary marine service technology instructors teaching in a high school, post-secondary school, or within the industry. A retired master sergeant of the United States Marine…

ABYC Foundation Names Educator of the Year | Soundings Trade Only

Marine service technology instructor Freddie Fowler from Manatee Technical College in Bradenton, Fla., is this year’s honoree. GARY REICH – MAR 28, 2024 The ABYC Foundation yesterday named Freddie Fowler from Manatee Technical College in Bradenton, Fla., its 2023 Educator of the year. The annual award honors marine service technology instructors in a high school,…

Local auto repair shop provides new tools to jump start career for MTC student | School District of Manatee County

Gabriel, a student from Manatee Technical College in the Collision Repair Program, recently received a complete apprentice tool kit to fast-track his future success.  Sarasota Bodyworx, an auto body shop in Sarasota, recently shared the gift they gave Gabriel, which looks to be worth thousands of dollars. They’ve also partnered with MTC to train and…


Gearing Up for The 2024 Region 6 Florida SkillsUSA Conference

As February 16th draws closer, excitement builds for the much-anticipated . This annual event is a cornerstone for students, educators, and industry professionals who are passionate about advancing their skills and careers in various trades and technologies. SkillsUSA serves as a powerful avenue for participants to showcase their expertise, learn from peers, and connect with…

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