Immigration talk planned at MTI health fair (Herald Tribune)
A health and immigration fair will provide an opportunity for people to get basic health screenings and information about immigration issues.
The Farmworker Education and Services Program will present the “Passport to Wellness” event from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday at the Manatee Technical Institute Main Campus, 6305 State Road 70 E., Bradenton.
Admission is free to the fair, which is sponsored by Tropicana Products Inc.
The immigration information session will start at 4 p.m. in the auditorium.
The health fair will include free screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, bone density, blood glucose and eyesight. There will be information about health-related issues, including the new government health insurance.
Activities planned for adults and children include live music, folkloric dancers, face painting, prizes and vendors selling food.
For more information, call the Farmworker Education Program at MTI, 751-7900, Ext. 1048, or 751-7947.