Instructor Work Selected in International Competition

Marina Proskurina, digital design instructor at Manatee Technical Institute, has earned two Merit Awards from the 2014 International Professional Photographers Association competition for one of her images, “Kaleidoscope.”
This image was selected for the distinct honor of inclusion in the 2014 International Loan Collection Book. Proskurina also won three Merit Awards from the 2014 Florida State Competition for the same image plus two others, “Renaissance Reflection” and “Scrapbook of Life.” An award winning photographer, Proskurina had three of her creative images accepted into the 2012 International Photographic Competition hosted by the PPA and has won many other awards. She is a member of the International Artist Federation Unesco and a Top 10 Photographer in Central Florida.
In January 2015, Proskurina’s winning images will be on display at ImagingUSA. Proskurina teaches Digital Design at Manatee Tech; photography is part of the curriculum. She welcomes new students to her class. The program prepares adult students for employment as graphic or multimedia designers. To apply for acceptance into the program or for more information, contact Manatee Tech’s career counselor Maria Terri Parrish at 751-7900, ext. 1033 or