MTC Farmworker Program and Coordinator earn state recognition

(Bradenton, FL—August 10, 2016) Esperanza Gamboa, coordinator of the Farmworker Career Development Program of Manatee Technical College, and her team were honored by the Florida Department of Education Farmworker Career Development Program office. Gamboa was recognized as Coordinator of the Year, and she and her team were recognized as the Program of the Year for their accomplishments during the 2015-16 program year. Gamboa’s team members are Carolina Betancourt, Mary Ann Guerrero, Andrea Gonzalez, Maria Matute, and Jose Cordovez.
The Farmworker Career Development Program provides educational and supportive services to chronically unemployed and underemployed farmworkers and their dependents to obtain the career-related education needed to prepare to enter or advance in the workforce, prepare their children for success in school, and have the economic stability to exercise their rights as citizens in their communities.
They were recognized on August 4, 2016, during the FCDP’s annual Staff Development Conference in Orlando, Florida.