Photo 101 Begins Soon

(Bradenton, FL, February 6, 2015) Manatee Technical College will offer Photography 101 for a total of 10 classes that begin Tuesday, March 3, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., as well as one on Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to noon at MTC’s Main Campus.


Master Photographer Carmen Schettino will teach how to get the maximum creative use and enjoyment out of a digital camera for years to come.


Students will learn about shutter speeds, ISO settings, F-stops, white balance, making basic corrections in Photoshop, rules of composition, lighting, photographing people for maximum effect, tabletop photography and more.


The cost is $140 per student.  For best results, students should have a DSLR camera with a changeable lens.


For more information, please contact Tim Arb at (941) 751-7900, x 1108.

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