Community Training Center/CPR Training


Our Training Center provides Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) training for healthcare professionals as well as First Aid and/or CPR AED training for schools, corporations, childcare providers or anyone else, who wants to know how to help in an emergency. All of these classes are taught according to the AHA 2020 Guidelines.

Our courses are taught by certified AHA Instructors with a lot of real world experience. Most of them work or previously worked as RN’s, Paramedics or EMT’s. We always provide small class sizes to ensure everybody receives the attention needed to understand all concepts and has the best chances to succeed.

For more information about the courses or to start registration, please select from the list of training courses.

Instructor-led training course for those who want to become a BLS Instructor. Instructor Candidates must have a current AHA BLS provider card, must be proficient in all BLS provider skills and must have an interview with the Training Center Coordinator before they can register for this course. Call  941-752-8100 x47150 or email: to set up an appointment.


Manatee Technical College

Basic Life Support  (BLS) is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest. This Instructor-led training course is designed to teach healthcare professionals how to perform high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) individually or as part of a team. BLS skills are applicable to any healthcare setting. During this course students will learn rescue techniques for adults, children and infants. This course is intended for anyone who provides health care to patients in a wide variety of settings, both in and out of the hospital, and for anyone entering into a health career related training program.

During the course students must pass a written exam and skills tests in order to receive an AHA BLS completion card. The completion card is valid for 2 years.

Will need to bring to the class with you the following: 2020 AHA BLS Provider Manual.


Manatee Technical College

Basic Life Support (BLS) is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest. This Instructor-led training course is designed to teach healthcare professionals how to perform high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) individually or as part of a team. BLS Skills are applicable to any healthcare setting. During this course students will learn rescue techniques for adults, children and infants. This course is intended for anyone who provides health care to patients in a wide variety of settings, both in and out of the hospital, and for anyone entering into a health career-related training program.

During the course students must pass a written exam and skills tests in order to receive an AHA BLS completion card. The completion card is valid for 2 years.

In order to take a BLS Renewal course you need to bring a current AHA BLS card to the classroom. If your BLS card is expired or if you have a BLS card from an organization other than AHA , you need to register for either a BLS Provider course or a HeartCode BLS course.

HeartCode ACLS is an alternative delivery method for an AHA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) provider or update course.

HeartCode ACLS consist of two components:

  • comprehensive eLearning, in which students complete an online course in a self-directed manner at their own pace in the comfort of their home or any other place of their choosing. The online component of the HeartCode ACLS uses eSimulation technology to allow students to access and treat patients in virtual healthcare settings. To enter the course students must first complete a pre-course self assessment. Students will then be presented with a team dynamics lesson and 10 in-hospital patient cases, including 1 BLS case and 2 megacode cases. The cases may be repeated as many times as necessary to pass. After successful completion of all steps, including a written exam, students will receive a HeartCode ACLS completion certificate
  • an Instructor-led hands-on skills practice and skills testing session (~4-5 hours)

Students need to pass both components in order to receive an AHA ACLS completion card. The card is valid for 2 years.

This course is the hands-on practice and skills session only. You need to purchase and complete the HeartCode ACLS eLearning course prior to attending this course and bring your completed AHA HeartCode ACLS Certificate to the classroom. The online course is offered by MTC under Heartcode ACLS Online Training.


Manatee Technical College

Basic Life Support (BLS) is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest.

But what is HeartCode BLS?

Simply put, it is just another way to to complete a Basic Life Support (BLS) provider or renewal course.

HeartCode BLS consists of two components:

  • eLearning, in which the student completes an online course in a self-directed manner at their own pace in the comfort of their home or any other place of their choosing. The online component of the HeartCode BLS course uses a variety of learning assets – such as dramatizations, eSimulations, self-directed learning and interactive activities to teach students the knowledge and skills of BLS. After successful completion of all steps, including passing a written test, students will receive a HeartCode BLS course completion certificate.
  • an Instructor-led hands-on skills practice and skills testing session (~1-2 hours)

Students need to pass both components in order to receive an AHA BLS completion card. The completion card is valid for 2 years.

This course is the hands-on practice and skills testing session only. You need to purchase and complete the HeartCode BLS eLearning course prior to this course and bring your completed AHA HeartCode BLS Certificate to the classroom. The online course is offered by MTC under Heartcode BLS Online Training.


Manatee Technical College

HeartCode PALS is an alternative delivery method for an AHA Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) provider or update course.

HeartCode PALS consist of two components:

  • comprehensive eLearning, in which students completes an online course in a self-directed manner at their own pace in the comfort of their home or any other place of their choosing. The online component uses eSimulation technology to allow students to assess and treat patients in virtually healthcare settings. In this environment students apply their knowledge to real time decision making and skills development. To enter the course students must first complete the PALS pre-course self assessment. Students are then presented with 12 in-hospital patient cases and a team dynamics lesson. Cases can be repeated as many times as necessary to pass. After completion of all steps, including a written exam, students will receive an AHA HeartCode PALS completion certificate.
  • an Instructor-led hands-on practice and skills testing session (~4-5 hours)

Students need to pass both components in order to receive an AHA PALS course completion card. The card is valid for 2 years.

This course is the hands-on practice and skills testing session only. You need to purchase and complete the HeartCode PALS eLearning course prior to this course ( and bring your completed AHA HeartCode PALS Certificate to the classroom.


Manatee Technical College

This course is designed for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a Heartsaver CPR AED completion card to meet job, regulatory or other requirements and to anyone who just wants to learn CPR and the use of an AED to be able to help in an emergency.

If you work in health care profession (like Nursing, EMS, Fire Department or similar) this is not the correct course for you. You need to take the Basic Life Support course!

In this Instructor-led course students will learn how to recognize when somebody needs CPR, how to call for help and how to perform CPR and use an AED. Skills are taught using AHA’s practice-while watching technique, which allows the Instructor to observe the participants and provide immediate feedback.

The most important goal of this course is to teach the student how to act in an emergency

  • recognize when something is wrong
  • getting help on the way by calling 911
  • perform CPR until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over

During the course students must pass skills tests in order to receive an AHA Heartsaver CPR AED completion card. The card is valid for 2 years.


Manatee Technical College

Fecha y Horario de Clase Lunes 3 de Marzo a las 6:00 pm

Este curso está diseñado para cualquier persona con capacitación médica limitada o nula que necesite una tarjeta de finalización de DEA de RCP Heartsaver para cumplir con los requisitos laborales, reglamentarios o de otro tipo, y para cualquier persona que solo quiera aprender RCP y el uso de un DEA para poder ayudar en una emergencia.

! Si trabajas en una profesión de atención médica (como enfermería, EMS, Departamento de bomberos o similar), este no es el curso correcto para ti. ¡Necesitas tomar el curso de Soporte Vital Básico!

En este curso dirigido por un instructor, los estudiantes aprenderán a reconocer cuándo alguien necesita RCP, cómo pedir ayuda y cómo realizar RCP y usar un DEA. Las habilidades se enseñan utilizando la técnica de práctica mientras se observa de la AHA, que permite al instructor observar a los participantes y proporcionar comentarios inmediatos.

El objetivo más importante de este curso es enseñar al estudiante cómo actuar en caso de emergencia

  • Reconocer cuando algo anda mal
  • Cómo obtener ayuda en el camino llamando al 911
  • realizar RCP hasta que llegue alguien con una formación más avanzada y se haga cargo

Durante el curso, los estudiantes deben aprobar pruebas de habilidades para recibir una tarjeta de finalización de AHA Heartsaver CPR DEA. La tarjeta tiene una validez de 2 años.

This course is designed for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED course completion card to meet job, regulatory or other requirements and for anyone who just wants to learn Basic First Aid, CPR and the use of an AED to be able to help in an emergency.

In this Instructor-led course, students will learn the basics of First Aid, the most common life-threatening emergencies, how to recognize them and how to help. Students will also learn how to recognize when someone needs CPR, how to call for help and how to perform CPR and use an AED. Skills are taught using AHA’s practice-while-watching technique, which allows the Instructor to observe the participants and provide immediate feedback.

The most important goal of this course is to teach students how to

  • recognize when something is wrong
  • getting help on the way by calling 911
  • giving First Aid care or performing CPR until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over

During the course students need to pass skills tests in order to receive an AHA Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED completion card. The card is valid for 2 years.


Manatee Technical College

For those who want to get or hold their Captains license.

This course requires all optional sections of Heartsaver CPR (Adult, Child, and Infant), AED, Choking Rescue and First Aid. This course includes both hands-on skills testing and a written exam.

Upon successful completion of the course and passing all exams, the AHA will issue a Certification for Heartsaver/ CPR/AED/ First Aid, and the USCG required document titled: AMERHA-216 will be provided to the student.

The American Heart Association Heartsaver Certification is valid for 2 years. Individuals and groups are welcome.
The course will be March 8, 2025 from 8:00am to 3:30pm .

Fee is $86.00
Individuals and groups are welcome.


Safe Sitter Program Description

The course is for middle school / high school students between the ages of 12-15 years old. The course covers topics such as safety, childcare, first aid, basic CPR, and business skills to run a babysitting business. An MTC nursing instructor (CPR certified) will teach these skills utilizing age-appropriate teaching techniques incorporating games, practice, guided discussions, and digital presentations. There will be at least two adults present at all classes. Upon completion, the student will receive a certificate of completion from Safe Sitter™, a training book, and a family and friends CPR card from AHA (American Heart Association).

Note: Two snacks will be provided but students must bring their own lunch.
Learn more about the Safe Sitter® Course by visiting website.

Class Dates & Times:

Class Start Date: April 12, 2025
Times: Saturday, 9:00am to 3:30pm




MTC East Campus Law Building
5540 Lakewood Ranch Blvd, Bradenton, FL 34211
Room 231

Safe Sitter Grandparents Program Description

Many things have changed since you raised your children. It is important to learn the new care recommendations based on research from doctors and scientists studying infants’ and children’s physical and emotional development. Taught by a Registered Nurse, and certified Safe Sitter® Instructor, participants will learn how to provide the best and safest care for their grandchildren. They will also learn the latest information on how to manage the behavior of children of all ages, in addition to lifesaving skills such as CPR, choking rescue, first aid, and injury management. Learning tips on creating a good relationship from the start as well as learning to say no to every request to babysit will help grandparents enhance their relationship with their children and create lasting memories with their grandchildren. Includes Skills Practice, Guided Discussion, and a Digital Presentation.

Class Dates & Times:

Friday, March 7th from 8:30am to 12:00pm




MTC East Campus Law Building
5540 Lakewood Ranch Blvd, Bradenton, FL 34211
Room 231

Program Video

Training Course Video

Disclaimer: The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the Association.

Have Questions? Contact us!

Manatee Technical College
Community Training Center/CPR Training

Donna DeBerry

Training Center Manager

5540 Lakewood Ranch Blvd,
Charlie Wells Law Enforcement and Allied Health Building,
Bradenton, FL 34211
Call   941.752.8100