Learn English:

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

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Learn English

The purpose of the Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program is to assist immigrants and other individuals who are English language learners in improving their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and comprehension skills in English and mathematics.

The program also provides English learners with an understanding of the American system of government, individual freedom, and the responsibilities of citizenship. The Adult ESOL program is designed to help English learners work towards 1) earning a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; 2) transitioning to postsecondary education and training; 3) employment.


Bridging the Gap

Aprende Inglés


El propósito del programa Inglés para adultos para hablantes de otros idiomas (ESOL) es ayudar a los inmigrantes y otras personas que aprenden inglés a mejorar sus habilidades de lectura, escritura, habla, comprensión auditiva y comprensión en inglés y matemáticas. El programa también proporciona a los estudiantes de inglés una comprensión del sistema de gobierno estadounidense, la libertad individual y las responsabilidades de la ciudadanía. El programa de adultos ESOL está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes de inglés a trabajar para 1) obtener un diploma de escuela secundaria o su equivalente reconocido; 2) transición a la educación y capacitación post secundaria; 3) empleo.

Aprann Anglè


Objektif pwogram ESOL la se pou ede imigran ak lòt moun k ap aprann lang Angle yan: amelyore lekti, redaksyon, pale, koute, ak ladrès konpreyansyon et konpetans nan lang angle ak matematik. Pwogram nan bay elèv k ap aprann Anglè yo yon konpreyansyon sou sistèm Gouvènman Ameriken, libète endividyèl, ak responsablite sitwayènte yo. Pwogram ESOL pou granmoun lan fèt pou ede elèv yo k ap aprann pale Angle yo travay pou: 1) ginyin yon diplòm lekòl segondè oswa ekivalan ki rekonèt 2) tranzisyon pou edikasyon ak fòmasyon apre lekòl; 3) travay.

Program Video

Program Testimonial

Success Stories

What Our Students Say

Have Questions? Contact

Our ESOL Counselors

Call 941.751.7900 x 46049
or schedule an appointment.

Important Information

The ESOL program at MTC encompasses more than just learning a language. Our first goal is to provide the English language learner with the necessary skills and practice to have more productive community interactions. After a student has achieved this goal our career counselors will assist the student in taking the necessary steps toward choosing an educational path that coincides with the student’s interests and career goals. These steps can ultimately lead the student to attain a more rewarding and higher-paying career.

MTC has served the Manatee/Sarasota community for over 50 years. Our staff is made up of Florida-certified, highly qualified instructors. The most recent reports from the National Reporting System show that 99.1% of our ESOL students achieved ELA literacy gains.


“My class is very good and I have a spectacular teacher who is very attentive and eager for us to learn this new language.” 

“I liked my first course, I have noticed how I have considerably developed my understanding of English through the exercises in class. I feel that I can better understand people who speak English.  I have improved my spelling of the language.  My teacher is excellent and very patient, and she has helped me a lot to improve my vocabulary and pronunciation.  I am grateful for this opportunity to learn English and I want to continue improving.” 

“Mrs. Francois is an excellent teacher.  I appreciate the way she is teaching.  With Mrs. Francois I became an excellent student in English, I’m talking English better than last year.  Thanks for all teacher Francois.” 

 Classes offered are either on campus or online:

 Las clases se ofrecen en el campus ó en línea:

 Klas yo ofri yo swa sou lakou lekòl la oswa sou entènèt:

ESOL: Mon-Thu / Lun-Jue/ lindi à jédi
MTC Main: 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
MTC EAST: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Goodwill - Cortez Road: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Hybrid

FALL 2025



Application Opens:


Application Closes: 




Face-to-Face Classes Not Guaranteed




Application Opens:


Application Closes: 




Face-to-Face Classes Not Guaranteed


$75.00 *◊

* Tuition / Matrícula / ékolaj
◊ Application Fee/ ETarifa de aplicación / Frè Aplikasyon

  1. Complete application / Complete la aplicación / Konplété aplikasion ou (www.manateetech.edu/apply-now)
  2. Pay Fees at the time you complete your application / Pague la matricula al momento de completer su aplicación / Péyé frè nan moman ou ranpli aplikasyon w lan
  3. Submit required documents to / Entregar los documentos requeridos a / Tout dokiman ké yo mandé ou, soumet yo MTCStudentServices@ManateeSchools.net
  4. Setup interview with counselor
  5. Placement test: Call to make a testing appointment / Llame para hacer una cita para las pruebas / Rele pou ou mété gnou apointman pou fè tès (941.751.7900)

The Adult Education program offers three-course formats for ESOL classes. All options use the same curriculum. Students may choose the option that works best for them at the time of enrollment.

In-Person: In this model, classes take place in a traditional classroom setting at the main campus. Students may choose the class schedule that is most convenient for them.
It is important to note that in-person classes have a limited capacity and are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Hybrid: The hybrid model combines in-person instruction on campus with online requirements. The students will meet in a traditional classroom setting twice a week for 2.5 hours each day (5 hours each week). Additionally, students are required to independently complete a minimum of 5 hours of online studies each week.
It is important to note that hybrid classes apply only to certain levels of study.

Online: This model is self-paced and 100% online. The students will work independently from any setting that has access to Wi-Fi in order to complete a minimum of 10 hours per week.  In addition, the students will have one or two tutoring sessions per week via the Zoom platform. In these tutorials, instructors may introduce a lesson and/or answer questions and concerns regarding the week’s lessons.

To be successful in the online format, students must have access to:

  • a computer, laptop, or tablet
  • microphone and speakers
  • computer camera
  • internet access

Failure to comply with attendance expectations and online work requirements may result in withdrawal from the course. Refer to the MTC Student Handbook*

Comparison Chart

Face-to-Face InstructionXX 
Live virtual tutorials  X
Instruction 4 days a weekX  
Instruction 2 days a week X 
Independent study time required XX
Need for personal technology tools XX
Standards-based CurriculumXXX

 • Valid government-issued photo ID

 • Successfully complete an interview, placement test, orientation, and registrations

 • Commit to attend 80% of classes

 • Regularly test to assess learning gains and program progress

 • Have access to computer and email use

Non-refundable, see Student Handbook for refund policies: https://www.manateetech.edu/quick-docs
subject to change
* per semester

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