State Farm Donates Vehicle to MTC

State Farm donated a 2005 Hyundai Sonata to Manatee Technical College for instructional use in its Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing program to enable the students to learn to make structural repairs without liability risks. MTC will return the vehicle to State Farm after six months and apply to receive another one.
State Farm public affairs official Jose Soto said, “State Farm is proud to donate this vehicle to Manatee Technical College so students can put into practice everything they are learning.” Soto and property claims trainer Mike Schaad made the presentation. Schaad is a member of the MTC auto collision advisory committee.
They were joined by area State Farm agents and representatives.
Pictured left to right are MTC director Doug Wagner, State Farm agents and/or representatives Brian Marston, Gregg Schindler, Mike Schaad, Kirk Cook, Jose Soto, George Quarterman and Wayne Scroggins, MTC auto collision instructor Dan Elek and student Ken Green.